The evolutionary biologist Dobzhansky once famously said “Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” Therefore, one could argue any endeavor into biology is a study in evolution. In this course, we will dive deeper into the principles of evolutionary theory and will apply these lessons to solving contemporary problems in the world.
Completion of this course requires regular access to a laptop or desktop computer with working microphone and webcam, as well as a reliable internet connection.
This Fixed-Paced course incorporates a blend of synchronous and asynchronous elements. Students and teacher meet live via zoom on a regular weekly schedule. In addition, students complete coursework including guided readings, interactive videos, text and video-based discussion threads, problem sets, individual and collaborative projects, and so on. While these activities are time-flexible, teachers sequence them with weekly deadlines to help students keep on track and encourage and support the development of productive time management skills.